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James B Stewart, Rachel Abrams

Unscripted - The epic battle for a media empire and the Redstone family legacy

Unscripted - The epic battle for a media empire and the Redstone family legacy

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Editorial Reviews

“Redstone has found his Ishmael in James B. Stewart, who has ventured once more into the corporate depths and returned, he writes, with ‘an astonishing saga of sex, lies, and betrayal.’ His new book, Unscripted: The Epic Battle for a Media Empire and the Redstone Family Legacy, written with New York Times media reporter Rachel Abrams, joins his earlier probing work on theWalt Disney Co., insider trading, corporate lawyers and the posh netherworld of American business. Imagine a mash-up ofKing Lear and Weekend at Bernie’s, the 1989 movie comedy about two scamps who prop up a cadaver so they can enjoy a weekend at his beach house, with Redstone starring in both title roles.”The Wall Street Journal

“In this riveting, Succesion-esque tale of the fight for control of Paramount Global, James B. Stewart and Rachel Abrams weave together a lawsuit, familial conflict, and the lurking Les Moonves.”Vanity Fair

“Blockbuster reporting.”New York Times

“A delicious treat . . .Unscripted is a model of how gracefully to tell the most grotesque of stories: that of the final years of Sumner Redstone . . . I lost some sleep unable to put this book down.”— Adam Davidson, New York Times Book Review

“Addicted toSuccession? Well, here's the real thing.”The Hollywood Reporter

“Jaw-dropping . . . an epic tale of toxic wealth and greed populated by connivers and manipulators."The New York Times Book Review, Editors’ Choice

“Has a business book ever made you blush? . . . There’s the 90-something billionaire with still-active ‘sexual appetites’; the scheming mistresses; threesomes; parked-car encounters; a Sedona love nest; a chief executive who allegedly forced himself on multiple victims; a stolen laptop; shady private investigators; and a cast of characters straight off MTV or another Redstone cable channel. Mixing tight financial reporting with soap-operatic twists and turns, Unscripted makes the amped-up historical fiction of Babylon feel downright chaste by comparison . . . Media insiders and those who followed the Redstone saga will eat this reporting—and some of the other, more comical twists that populate the book—up . . .Unscripted delivers the good.”The Washington Post

“A deeply reported account . . . The story, whose contours would be familiar to fans of the HBO seriesSuccession, stands as a real-life warning to other family dynasties led by powerful founders . . . a masterful job.”—Financial Times

“The book is a page-turner—an over-the-top tale of money, power, sex, and relentless scheming to wrest billions away from an old man who in his final years seems to have lost the capacity for just about anything except sex.”—Fortune

“Mourning the end ofSuccession?Unscriptedis a real-life equivalent of the popular HBO show, providing a close look at the Redstone family, which owns Paramount Global. Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists Rachel Abrams and James B. Stewart break down the complex and astonishing narrative of a rich and powerful family and how their personal strifes impacted a major brand.”—Men’s Health

“A deeply reported account of the greed, drama, and misconduct.”—Fast Company

“A must-read . . . A bombshell new book from two Pulitzer winners reveals some truly shocking storylines within the real-life Succession drama that is the Paramount media empire . . . Abrams, a New York Times investigative reporter, and Stewart, a Times business columnist have written a jaw-dropping yarn.”Daily Beast

“They’ve written the literary equivalent of a guilty binge-watch, whose eye-widening excess is matched only by the feeling of pleasurable superiority one feels while surveying the moral tawdriness of the mega-rich.”Avenue

“While we're waiting for Succession to come back to the small screen, this new biography of the Redstone family should scratch any lingering itch to learn more about the inner workings of a rich, powerful, and very complicated family.”Town & Country

Unscripted is an unsparing examination of a media empire and the flawed men who ran it . . . James Stewart and Rachel Abrams, two New York Times journalists, have put together a deeply reported account of [Sumner Redstone’s] final years, delving in sometimes excruciating detail into his extraordinary antics in both the boardroom and the bedroom . . .Like a lot of reality tv, Unscripted is riveting because its cast is so awful.” —The Economist

About the Author

James B. Stewart is the author ofDeep State,Tangled Webs, Heart of a Soldier, Blind Eye, Blood Sport, and the blockbuster Den of Thieves. He is currently a columnist for The New York Times and a professor at Columbia Journalism School. In 1988, he won a Pulitzer Prize for his reporting on the stock market crash and insider trading.

Rachel Abrams was a media reporter for The New York Times and is now a senior producer and reporter for the television series The New York Times Presents. In 2018, she was part of a team that won the Pulitzer Prize for public service for reporting that exposed sexual harassment and misconduct.

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精選書評 | Featured Book Reviews
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Feb 27, 2025
This Must Be the Place (Vintage Contemporaries) by Maggie O'Farrell Some books unfold in a way that feels like memory—fragmented, nonlinear, sometimes unclear but always rich with feeling. This Must Be The Place is one of those books. At the center is Daniel Sullivan, a man who is both deeply intelligent and deeply flawed. A linguist who struggles with communication, a father haunted by his absence, a husband trying to hold on to something fragile. His life moves across continents—New York, Ireland, England, California—each place carrying a piece of his past and the weight of his choices. Claudette, his wife, is a former actress who has disappeared from the public eye, retreating into a quiet life in rural Ireland. Their love is tender but complicated, shaped as much by what they don’t say as by what they do. The novel jumps through time and perspectives, showing how relationships shift, how people drift in and out of each other’s lives, and how the past never really stays in the past. Reading this book felt like sifting through someone’s memories—sometimes clear, sometimes hazy, but always carrying an emotional weight. It’s not a straightforward story, and I found myself flipping back at times, reorienting myself in its shifting timelines. But rather than being frustrating, it felt natural, like the way we recall our own lives in moments rather than in order. What I regret about reading this book is that I rushed through certain chapters, eager to see how it all fit together. In doing so, I may have missed some of the quieter moments, the ones that reveal more upon a slower, more careful reading. It’s a book that deserves patience—one I might return to, not to chase the plot, but to sit with its characters, to notice what I overlooked the first time. It’s a novel about love, regret, and the way people remain with us, even when they’re no longer there. Some parts hit unexpectedly hard. Others made me pause and sit with the weight of them. It’s not a book that rushes to explain itself, but one that allows you to linger in its world, to connect the pieces at your own pace. If you like stories that feel layered and lived-in, this one stays with you.
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Feb 27, 2025
我不是專業食評家,但我是個離開香港後,依然靠味覺記憶撐下去的人。這本書,對我來說不只是一本寫食物的書,而是一道回家的路。 香港奶茶的醇厚、海南雞飯的滑嫩、一盅兩件的點心香氣……這些我熟悉的味道,早已成為回憶裡最柔軟的角落。而福建麵,更是我每次想家的時候,腦海裡第一個浮現的味道——濃濃的蝦湯,吸滿湯汁的麵條,還有那一口吞下去時的滿足感。 現在,身在海外,這些味道已經不是每天觸手可及的幸福,而是一種遙不可及的鄉愁。這本書就像一封寫給遊子的情書,一頁一頁翻過去,都是熟悉的氣味和記憶。我彷彿聽見街邊檔口師傅熟練的吆喝,感受到茶餐廳裡熱氣騰騰的喧囂,甚至聞到那碗福建麵剛端上桌時的香氣。 這不只是一本關於食物的書,而是一場記憶的盛宴,讓人邊讀邊懷念,甚至忍不住想立刻動手煮一碗福建麵,彷彿這樣就能離家近一點。如果你也曾為了一口家鄉味而輾轉難眠,那麼這本書,你一定要讀。
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Feb 18, 2025
Amanda Bok
《野鄰居 – 香港兩棲》|讓孩子認識香港的野生動物 身為住在美國的香港媽媽,我一直想讓孩子了解家鄉的自然生態。但他們對香港的印象只有高樓大廈,完全不知道那裡也有豐富的野生動物,直到我們讀了 《野鄰居 – 香港兩棲》! 這本中英雙語繪本介紹了24 種香港的青蛙和蠑螈,有精美插畫和有趣的小知識,讓孩子邊學中文邊認識這些可愛的「野鄰居」。 孩子們發現,原來香港有會爬樹的小棕樹蛙,還有像迷你恐龍的香港瘰螈,真的很驚喜!這本書不只帶來知識,也讓我們更珍惜香港的大自然。 如果你也想讓孩子更認識香港,不只是點心和迪士尼,而是真正的本土野生動物。
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Feb 12, 2025
喺閱讀陳靜宜嘅《我說福建麵,你說蝦麵》之後,我不禁回想起童年嘅美好回憶。每逢放學,原籍福建的婆婆總會準備熱騰騰嘅福建麵,嗰股熟悉嘅香味,好似時光倒流咁,令我又重新感受到當時嘅溫暖同幸福。 呢本書唔單止係講述福建麵同蝦麵嘅歷史同文化,佢深入探討咗馬來西亞獨特嘅飲食文化,尤其係呢兩種麵嘅起源同演變。對我嚟講,好像係一段旅程,帶領我穿越咗過去,重新認識自己嘅家鄉味。 陳靜宜以細膩又生動嘅筆觸,描寫咗馬來西亞多元文化嘅飲食特色,仲透過比較台灣同周邊國家嘅相似食物,讓我更加深刻咁理解咗唔同地區嘅美食風味。 雖然我婆婆而家已經唔喺度, 但係透過閱讀完呢本書,我不單止重溫咗婆婆嘅味道,更加對馬來西亞嘅飲食文化有咗更深入嘅認識。每一口福建麵同蝦麵,唔單止係滋味,更係背後嘅故事同情感,呢本書帶俾我嘅係親切的回憶。
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Feb 7, 2025
我從來不知道,比爾・蓋茲的童年故事竟然這麼有趣又有共鳴。這本自傳完全聚焦在他的早年人生,從小男孩到少年程式狂熱者,讓我看見一個截然不同的蓋茲。他不是一開始就注定成功,而是一點一滴靠著對編程的熱愛和不服輸的個性,走到今天。 我最喜歡的一幕是蓋茲十三歲時第一次接觸電腦。他形容寫程式像解謎,讓他的大腦無時無刻都在轉動,甚至為了能多用一點電腦,他半夜偷偷溜出家門,錯過最後一班公車也毫不在意,直接走路回家。這種對編程的執著,真的讓人佩服。 還有很多場景特別生動,像是他和外婆玩牌,每次都輸卻從不放棄,或者在學校裝作隨意,其實回家拼命讀書,努力維持「輕鬆學霸」的形象。這些細節讓我覺得,比爾・蓋茲真的很「人性化」,不是我們想像中冷酷的科技大佬。 讀完這本書,我終於明白,家人、老師、同學在他成長過程中的影響有多深遠。也正因如此,他才有勇氣在不到二十歲時創業,開啟屬於自己的時代,並最終改變了整個世界。
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Feb 5, 2025
had no idea Marguerite de la Rocque’s story was real—a noblewoman abandoned on an island in 16th-century New France. The writing pulled me in immediately, with vivid descriptions and a heroine fighting for survival and independence. This isn’t a fairytale. It’s a harsh, historically accurate look at life for women in the 1500s—where superstition and religion ruled, and even noblewomen had little power. The depiction of the New World feels raw and wild, adding to the intensity. Perfect for fans of historical fiction, especially those who loved The Marriage Portrait or Barkskins for their focus on survival and early colonization.
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Feb 5, 2025
Isola is a beautifully crafted tale based on the true story of Marguerite de la Rocque. Set in the 16th century, it follows Marguerite, a noblewoman orphaned as a child and placed under the care of the cruel Roberval. He squanders her inheritance and forces her on an expedition to New France, where her forbidden love leads to abandonment on a desolate island with little hope of survival. Goodman’s lyrical writing vividly captures the island’s harshness and Marguerite’s transformation from a sheltered noblewoman to a fierce survivor. The story is both heartbreaking and inspiring, balancing themes of loss, resilience, and strength in the face of overwhelming odds. Fans of historical fiction will find Isola a powerful and haunting tale of survival and self-discovery.
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Feb 5, 2025
Isola is a gripping and emotionally charged novel that immerses readers in the raw beauty and brutality of survival. Allegra Goodman masterfully brings to life the tragic yet empowering story of Marguerite de la Rocque, a young woman cast away on a desolate island in the 16th century. The story follows Marguerite, a noblewoman thrust into a harsh reality when her guardian, Roberval, gambles away her inheritance and drags her on a dangerous expedition to New France. What begins as a tale of loss and betrayal transforms into an intense fight for survival after Marguerite’s love affair with Roberval’s secretary is discovered. Marguerite and her loyal servant, Damienne, are abandoned on a rocky island with minimal supplies and forced to battle hunger, freezing weather, and despair. Goodman’s writing is both lyrical and haunting, capturing the stark contrast between Marguerite’s former life of privilege and the unrelenting wilderness she must now endure. The relationship between Marguerite and Damienne is tender and complex, offering a glimpse of love and resilience amid overwhelming hardship. The survival scenes are particularly powerful—each moment brimming with tension, grief, and fleeting hope. What sets Isola apart is its foundation in historical events. Knowing that Marguerite de la Rocque’s story is inspired by true history makes her journey even more poignant. Goodman breathes new life into this nearly forgotten figure, turning Marguerite into a symbol of defiance, strength, and rebirth. Fans of historical fiction and survival stories will find Isola utterly captivating. It’s a novel about survival in its most literal sense, but also about finding one’s faith, identity, and inner strength when everything else is stripped away. This beautifully written tale will linger in your mind long after you turn the last page. Highly recommended!
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Jan 8, 2025
Cheryl Chen
I’m not someone who collects books—I usually pass them along. But this one is staying with me. I know I’ll read it again because each time, it will reveal something new about myself. As someone with sisters, the relationships in this story stirred deep emotions and brought back so many memories. This isn’t just a book I enjoyed—it’s one I’ll treasure, along with the beautifully brought-to-life characters who now feel like old friends.
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Jan 8, 2025
When I first picked up March by Geraldine Brooks, I wasn’t sure what to expect. Like many, I grew up loving Little Women, but I never gave much thought to Mr. March’s life away from home. Brooks changed that for me. The story dives into what Robert March experienced during the Civil War, a time when he left his wife and four daughters behind to serve as a Union chaplain. Through his eyes, we see the brutal realities of war, the weight of his ideals, and the constant tug-of-war between his duty to his country and his family. What struck me most was how Brooks captured his humanity—his flaws, his hopes, and his heartbreak. She doesn’t sugarcoat the sacrifices or shy away from the complexities of his choices. By the end, I felt like I truly understood what it means to carry the burden of both love and duty. This book is more than a companion to Little Women—it’s a powerful, stand-alone story that lingers long after you’ve turned the last page.
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Jan 8, 2025
Barbara O’Connor
I think the Pulitzer committee made a wise choice.
Jan 8, 2025
The Winds
A Compelling Biography of a Billionaire Dissident Mark Clifford’s account of Jimmy Lai’s extraordinary life offers more than just the story of a man—it’s also a vivid exploration of Hong Kong’s history and struggles. From Lai’s arrival in the 1960s as a 12-year-old refugee from mainland China, working in a clothing factory, to his current status as Hong Kong’s most prominent political prisoner, the book captures a journey marked by resilience, faith, and an unyielding fight for freedom. As Western media often overlooks Hong Kong’s plight, this book is essential reading. Pick up a copy, and share it widely to shed light on a story that deserves greater attention.
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Dec 29, 2024
讀完《力》,我的內心久久無法平靜。這本書不只是講述暴力,而是透過角色的經歷,探討暴力如何影響人性,以及人們如何找到力量與希望。 周郁芬的故事特別觸動我。她逃離不幸婚姻,卻因此傷害了孩子,讓我不禁思考自由與責任的平衡。還有洪安安,渴望父親認同卻深陷家庭暴力陰影,那種矛盾感讓人心疼。 故事背景橫跨政界、黑幫、學院和家庭,看似複雜,卻環環相扣。作者寫得真實,讓我感受到暴力不僅是外在行為,也是一種內在掙扎。然而,即使困境重重,角色們仍努力尋找出路,有人選擇離開,有人選擇和解,這讓我看到了希望。
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Dec 8, 2024
Nov 24, 2024
Sheila Jun
In view of election results All content s. In book is old stuff Not pertinent to the future Regret purchasing
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Nov 24, 2024
Sheila Jun
Am very embarrassed to be gifting the Novel “
Sep 15, 2024
世界需要好故事 這是一本以一環又一環接連不斷的驚悚情節而引人入勝的小說。 幾乎每一章節都會出現意料之外的情節,以開啟下一個章節。 難怪這部以香港為背景,打著「香港製造」的噱頭的小說,被拍成電影,並入圍第64屆柏林影展。 如果你喜歡閱讀加入了科幻、驚悚、推理、情色等流行元素,又看得懂港式粵語的話,這本小說還是值得一看。 許多人不喜歡閱讀以自己生活的城市為背景的小說。 因為太熟悉,所以沒有衝擊力。 但如果是世界級都市,比如東京、紐約、巴黎、倫敦……香港,那就不一樣了。 但是本土作家撰寫大家都熟悉的城市故事,寫得好也就罷了,一旦不好,絕對會被罵死。 因此,這本書最初是在網絡上慢慢寫出來,然後才引起轟動,最終印刷並拍成電影。 小說的故事情節跳躍性很強: 最開始時香港成為空城,一輛深夜小巴上面的17個人在穿過隧道後,瞬間成為最後的「倖存者」。 接著出現面戴防毒面具的黑衣人。 再接著倖存者一一死去,屍體呈現紫色斑點。 然後就出現了時空錯位、神奇建築、陷入絕望、走投無路…… 最後大揭秘,原來所有的人都是死囚,被日本安排到2018年因核洩漏而成為死城的香港。 故事的確好看,然而連續性不強。 讀過之後,覺得內心還蠻激動。 再細想一想,感覺情節有點混亂。 但這本書裡的香港,的的確確就是港人熟悉的環境。 無論是便利店,還是街頭情景,以及交通、生活設施等等。 或許,本書的魅力,有很多是因為香港。
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Sep 3, 2024
最近終於有時間讀完《Glucose Revolution: The Life-Changing Power of Balancing Your Blood Sugar》這本書,收穫真是非常大! 作為一個日常行程非常緊湊的人,之前經常面對能量波動的問題,尤其是在下午時段,總是需要依靠咖啡來保持清醒。但這些短暫的提神效果常常伴隨著更嚴重的疲憊和煩躁。 書中的建議非常實用,比如建議先吃沙拉再吃主餐,還有避免空腹吃高糖食物。我開始實施這些方法後,發現能量水平變得更加穩定,下午的疲憊感也消失了。之前經常需要喝咖啡來應付疲勞的情況,現在幾乎不再發生了,而腹部的改善也非常明顯! 作為亞洲人,我知道自己面對糖尿病的風險比其他族群更高。 這本書不僅幫助我穩定血糖,還激勵我更加注重健康,並且能在繁忙的生活中輕鬆融入這些簡單而有效的策略。如果你跟我一樣忙碌,又擔心糖尿病風險,這本書真的是值得一讀!
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Sep 3, 2024
Before I discovered Glucose Revolution: The Life-Changing Power of Balancing Your Blood Sugar by Jessie Inchauspe, I struggled with energy crashes and intense afternoon cravings. I’d often reach for coffee to push through the day, but this led to brief bursts of energy followed by overwhelming fatigue and irritability. The book’s insights into how blood sugar spikes and crashes affect energy levels made a real difference for me. By following Inchauspe’s practical tips—like eating a salad before my main meal and steering clear of sugary foods on an empty stomach—I’ve noticed a significant improvement. Not only has my craving for coffee decreased, but I’ve also observed a flatter tummy. Inchauspe’s advice is straightforward and easy to incorporate into daily life. Rather than overhauling my diet, I made gradual changes that have fit seamlessly into my routine. This has not only helped stabilize my blood sugar but has also motivated me to pursue better overall health. I now approach meals with confidence, knowing that I’m taking proactive steps to manage my prediabetes and improve my well-being. For anyone dealing with similar health challenges or looking to enhance their health, Glucose Revolution offers practical strategies that make a tangible difference without being overwhelming.
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Aug 5, 2024
This delightful book is perfect for young readers who enjoy a blend of fairy tales and creative thinking, as well as for families looking for a joyful, uplifting bedtime read. If you love charming stories that celebrate imagination and resilience, this book is a must-read! When a mysterious new neighbor moves in next door to Andie Gladman, she notices the initials H.C.A. on his mailbox and becomes convinced that Hans Christian Andersen himself has arrived. Inspired, Andie digs out an old book by Andersen, "The Emperor’s New Clothes," given to her by her uncle. She decides to craft a rhyming poem based on this story, adding her own twist to highlight strong, independent women, as she feels Andersen’s tales are a bit outdated in their portrayal of women. As Andie grapples with bullying at school from a girl named Myrtle, her poetry offers a creative outlet and a way to handle the tough situation. Her new friend, a boy who moves into the neighborhood, becomes her confidant as she shares her whimsical belief about the new neighbor. Excited to reveal her supposed Andersen connection, Andie brings the neighbor to school, only to discover he is not the famous fairy tale writer. Despite the mix-up, Andie’s imaginative spirit and the new friendships she forms make the story heartwarming and engaging.
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