Collection: Independent Authors and Publishing Series 獨立作家與出版系列

At Starry Ferry Books, we proudly showcase our Independent Authors and Publishing Series, dedicated to celebrating and supporting the creative voices from Hong Kong and beyond. This series highlights the works of independent authors who bring fresh perspectives, innovative storytelling, and unique cultural insights to the literary world.

Our commitment is to provide a platform where these voices can shine, offering readers access to diverse and enriching content. Through our series, we aim to connect independent authors with a global audience, fostering a greater appreciation for their work while bridging cultures and ideas.

喺 Starry Ferry Books,我哋好榮幸推出 獨立作家與出版系列,支持來自香港同其他地方嘅創意聲音。呢個系列展示咗獨立作家嘅作品,佢哋以新穎嘅視角、創新嘅敘事方式同獨特嘅文化洞察力,為文學界帶來新氣象。


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